The 5th lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: Reflecting on the assessment of quality of research

Professor Bart Thijs lecturing (Photo: Tanja Matic)

Professor Bart Thijs lecturing (Photo: Tanja Matic)

On November, 13, 2024, the University of Fribourg hosted the 5th lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: Prof. Bart Thijs from the KU Leuven spoke on “Assessing quality of research: New approaches in response to changing expectations”. The video and slides of the talk are now available. The event took place in the lecture … Read more

The 4th lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: A plea for the openness of research information

Prof Ludo Waltman speaking to the audience at the SYoS lecture

Professor Ludo Waltman speaking to the audience (ETH Zurich / Alessandro Della Bella)

On April 24, 2024, the 4th Lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics took place in Zurich. Professor Ludo Waltman spoke to an audience of more than 40 participants on the topic of “Openness of research information – Democratizing the use of scientometrics”. The video recording of the lecture and the slides are now available. … Read more

The Swiss Year of Scientometrics gains momentum with the second lecture

Prof Emanuel Kulczycki presenting the second SYoS lecture

Professor Emanuel Kulczycki speaking to the audience at the second SYoS lecture (ETH Zurich / Mahmoud Hemila)

On October 11, 2023, the second lecture in the series “Swiss Year of Scientometrics” took place at ETH Zurich. Over 50 participants gathered on a sunny autumn afternoon to listen to Professor Emanuel Kulczycki’s lecture on “Reframing scientometrics: How ontological understanding of science influences what we count and how we interpret it”. A video recording … Read more

Swiss Year of Scientometrics off to successful start with first lecture

Dr Stefanie Haustein speaking to the audience at the first SYoS lecture.

Dr Stefanie Haustein speaking to the audience at the first SYoS lecture. (ETH Zurich / Andreas Eggenberger).

Dr Stefanie Haustein began the event series for the Swiss Year of Scientometrics on 7 June 2023 with her stimulating lecture on the opportunities and challenges of scientometrics. The video of the lecture and the presentation are now available online. On 7 June 2023, a beautiful summer’s evening, some 40 people attended the first event … Read more