First lecture on 07 June 2023 – Opportunities and challenges of scientometrics: diversification of data sources and applications

The first lecture on “Opportunities and challenges of scientometrics: diversification of data sources and applications” will take place on 07 June 2023 at ETH Zurich (Campus Zentrum, Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zürich, LEE E 101), followed by the first workshop on the following day. We are extremely pleased to welcome Dr Stefanie Haustein as a speaker.

Dr Haustein is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa’s School of Information Studies and Co-director of the Scholarly Communications Lab (ScholCommLab). Her research focuses on scholarly communication and research evaluation, bibliometrics, altmetrics, open access, and open science. She is an Affiliated Researcher at the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST) at Université du Québec à Montréal, as well as the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) and the Centre for Journalology at the University of Ottawa.

We hope to see you at this event. Please send us an email to register for the lecture. If you wish to discuss the topic of the lecture in more depth with us in the workshop on 8 June 2023, we invite you to send us an email. Please note that the number of possible participants in the workshop is limited.

Please send us an email to register for the lecture.

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Dr David Johann

Dr David Johann is Co-Head of Research Support Services and Head of Research Analytics Service at the ETH Library. He leads the project "Swiss Year of Scientometrics".

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