Exploring research quality: Insights from the 5th workshop of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics

Group photo of the attendants of the 5th SYoS workshop

The attendants of the 5th SYoS workshop at the University of Fribourg (ETH Zurich, Annette Guignard)

The 5th Workshop of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics was held on November 14 at the University of Fribourg. The workshop focused on assessing research quality using bibliometric indicators. It was co-moderated by Simon Willemin and David Johann from the ETH Library of ETH Zurich. This was the last event of the series of workshops … Read more

4th SYoS Workshop: Envision the future of Scientometrics in Switzerland

Participants of the 4th SYoS workshop posing for a group photo

Participants of the 4th Workshop of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (ETH Zurich / Annette Guignard)

The 4th Workshop of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS) took place at ETH Zurich on 25 April 2024. The diverse audience included 25 participants from different European universities and Swiss institutions (Universities of Bern, Fribourg, St. Gallen and Zurich, ZHAW, Eawag-Empa, EPFL, ETH Zurich and ETH Board, Armasuisse, Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries, and … Read more

Insights from the 3rd Workshop: Open Science Stream

Group photo of the 3rd Workshop at EPFL in the Swiss Year of Scientometrics series

The participants of the third SYoS workshop pose for a group photo at lunch break in the BC building at EPFL (ETH Zurich / Annette Guignard)

The third workshop of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics took place on February 8th, 2024, on the EPFL campus, and was divided into two streams. The  “Open Science” stream addressed how to develop metrics for research assessment that consider the impact and value of Open Science outputs. The workshop stream started off with a general … Read more

Reflexive Bibliometrics: Debates, Discoveries, and Directions for the Future

Group photo of the participants of the 2nd SYoS workshop

The participants of the second SYoS workshop pose for a group photo at lunch break (ETH Zurich / Mahmoud Hemila)

The second SYoS workshop, which took place on 12 October 2023 at ETH Zurich, was dedicated to the topic of “reflexive bibliometrics”. The term “reflexive bibliometrics” may not be familiar to many, but it addresses an important phenomenon, namely, that many actors in the science system (e.g. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or individual researchers) adapt … Read more

Increasing demand for scientometrics: Insights from the first SYoS Workshop

The participants of the first SYoS workshop pose for a group photo after an intensive day of discussion.

The participants of the first SYoS workshop pose for a group photo after an intensive day of discussion.

On 8 June 2023, the first SYoS Workshop took place at ETH Zurich. It followed Dr Stefanie Haustein’s opening lecture entitled “Opportunities and challenges of scientometrics: Diversification of data sources and applications”. The workshop was moderated by Sven Hug from the Swiss Science Council. In addition to Dr Stefanie Haustein (University of Ottawa), the workshop … Read more