Dr Stefanie Haustein began the event series for the Swiss Year of Scientometrics on 7 June 2023 with her stimulating lecture on the opportunities and challenges of scientometrics. The video of the lecture and the presentation are now available online.
On 7 June 2023, a beautiful summer’s evening, some 40 people attended the first event in the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS) series at ETH Zurich. The lecture entitled “Opportunities and challenges of scientometrics: Diversification of data sources and applications” was held by Dr Stefanie Haustein.
In her talk, Dr Haustein traced the development of scientometrics from its beginnings to the present day, speaking in particular about the opportunities and challenges posed by the development of openly available data.
She started by addressing the diversification of data sources, focusing first on aspects related to data providers based on the examples of OpenAlex and Elsevier and on research output from a language and geographic perspective. With regard to the diversification of the applications, she spoke about open science monitoring, the responsible use of metrics and collection management in libraries. She gave examples of practical instruments intended to provide answers to specific challenges, such as open science dashboards, surveys on data quotation practices and videos or personas for improving metrics literacies.
In conclusion, she identified both the opportunities opened up by the new developments and the challenges that will have to be overcome.

The lively round of questions that followed the lecture demonstrated the audience’s interest in the topic. Audience members also made good use of the opportunity to continue discussions during the drinks reception.
The video recording of the lecture is now available:
00:00:00 Introduction by Dr David Johann
00:03:38 Start of the lecture by Dr Stefanie Haustein
00:04:58 Diversification of data sources: Data providers
00:19:03 Diversification of data sources: Research outputs
00:33:52 Diversification of applications: Collection management
00:38:25 Diversification of applications: Open science monitoring
00:42:52 Diversification of applications: Responsible use of metrics
00:55:01 Conclusions
00:57:55 End of the lecture
00:58:06 Dr David Johann opens the Q&A session
01:33:00 End of the Q&A session
01:33:23 End of the event
The slides are also available for download.
The next lecture will be held at ETH Zurich at 5.00 p.m. on 11 October 2023.
Stefanie Hausteins’ lecture notes and slides are beautifully presented on the ScholCommLab blog:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: